Topics to Prepare for Java Interview
Companies looking for Java developers who have experience in following topics
1. Core Java
2. Java 8
3. Multithreading (must)
4. Spring
5. Spring Boot (Micro Services)
6. Hibernate
7. XML
8. Concurrency
9. Algorithms
10. Data structures
11. Design patterns
12. Object-Oriented Design
13. Architecture patterns
14. MVC Design
15. RESTful web services
16. Maven
17. MongoDB
18. Git
19. JUnit & Mockito
20. System Design
1. Core Java
2. Java 8
3. Multithreading (must)
4. Spring
5. Spring Boot (Micro Services)
6. Hibernate
7. XML
8. Concurrency
9. Algorithms
10. Data structures
11. Design patterns
12. Object-Oriented Design
13. Architecture patterns
14. MVC Design
15. RESTful web services
16. Maven
17. MongoDB
18. Git
19. JUnit & Mockito
20. System Design
Links to refer:
- Design patterns
- Singleton
- Implement Singleton using Eager Initialisation
- Implement Singleton using Lazy Initialisation
- What is the Double-Checked Locking?
- When Double-Checked Locking fails?
- How can you fix Double-Checked Locking fail? Ans: use Volatile
- Factory
- Abstract Factory - Factory of Factories
- Spring
- Spring core
- Spring transactions
- Spring JDBC
- Spring MVC
- CoreJava & Java8
- OOPS concepts
- What is Encapsulation?
- What is Polymorphism?
- Streams
- Lambda expressions
- Functional interfaces
- Method references
- Constructor references
- Exceptions
- Difference between Checked and Runtime Exceptions
- Create your own Exception
- How can you create your own Checked Exception?
- How can you create your own Runtime Exception?
- When will we get CloneNotSupportedException? Is this checked or runtime exception?
- When will we get NotSerializableException? Is this checked or runtime exception?
- Difference between throw and throws keywords?
- Difference between Error and Exception?
- Errors (Environment specific, cannot be recovered immediately)
- VirtualMachineErrors such as OutOfMemoryError, StackOverflowError, InternalError, UnknownError.
- Environment related errors.
- Errors are always unchecked.
- Exceptions (Application specific, caused by application code)
- NullPointerException
- ClassCastException
- Access Specifiers
- difference between public, private, protected, default access specifiers.
- Difference between final, finalize, finally keywords?
- How to create an Immutable class?
- How to create a clone of an Object?
- Serialization
- What is Marker interface?
- what is the use of readResolve() method?
- Difference between Serializable and Externalizable?
- Enums
- Can Enum have a constructor? Yes
- What is the purpose of a constructor in Enums? Ans: Can be used to initialize instance fields.
- Enum constructor must be either private or default. you can not declare as public or protected.
- Can Enum have abstract methods? Yes, in this case, each instance of enum must implement it.
- Explain about EnumSet, EnumMap
- Can Enum extend other class? No, by default extends java.lang.Enum class.
- List of enum constants must be separated by commas (,) and terminated by a semi-colon (;).
- If enum contains fields and methods, these must come after the list of enum constants.
- Can a class extend enum? No, Enums are final by default.
- Can you instantiate an Enum type? No. Compilation Error - enum types may not be instantiated.
- Inheritance
- If the superclass method declares an exception, subclass overridden method can declare same, subclass exception or no exception but cannot declare parent exception.
- Practice Links
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- (all programming questions will be asked from here, must read for any interview)
- Write Java code for Permutations
- Write Java code for Combinations
- Coin change problem (Total number of ways to get the denominations of coins)
- System Design
- Multithreading
- Explain about Volatile and its behavior with an example.
- Difference between a Volatile variable and normal variable.
- How JVM handles synchronization internally?
- Hibernate
- what is pessimistic locking?
- what is optimistic locking?
- What is lock mode?
- Explain about Transactions and Acid properties.
- How Distibuted TransactionManager and EntityManager work together?
- How hibernate implements concurrency control?
- Hibernate inherit the isolation guarantees provided by the database management system. for example, Hibernate never locks anything in memory.
- What is the isolation level JPA assumes by default? ans: Read Committed isolation level.
- Database
- How database systems provide isolation among transaction?
Ans: using locking and some modern database engines implement transaction isolation with multiversion concurrency control (MVCC), which vendors generally consider more scalable. - JTA
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