
How to get all the dependencies/dependency tree of a maven project (direct dependencies and indirect dependencies)?

Introduction:         If you want to get the list of direct and indirect dependencies in a maven project, you can use the command mvn dependency:tree How to Execute: You can run mvn dependency:tree on the command line like below. You should be in the same folder where pom.xml exists.        What is the use?        Knowing the list of all the dependencies in a maven project is helpful if you want to exclude some indirect dependencies.  For example, you have added a dependency in your project which internally fetches a log back dependency with version 1.2. But if you want to use the log back dependency with version 1.3, then you need to find out which dependency caused this and you have to exclude this. Later you can add the log back dependency with version 1.3.

In Detail:Collectors toList() method in Java 8

Introduction:          Collectors.toList() method is used to transform the java stream into a List of values. This process is called a reduction. The Collectors class implements various useful reduction operations such as accumulating the stream elements into collections etc.  In a simple layman terms, Collectors.toList() method is used to convert a stream of values to a List of values. Collectors.toList() actually returns a Collector object which accumulates/combines the input elements into a new List.  Now let us see how to implement Collectors.toList() with an example. Code Exmaple package test; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; public class CollectorsToList { public static void main(String[] args) { // create a sample list List&ltInteger&gt aList = new ArrayList&lt&gt(); // add few elements to the array list aList.add(1); aList.add(2); aList.add(3); a...

What is Meta tag in HTML and what does <meta charset="utf-8"> do?

1. Introduction What is Metadata?         Metadata is data that describes data. It can be data about HTML, such as author, and import keywords that describe the document. The metadata can be added to an HTML document using the &ltmeta&gt element. There are a lot of different types of elements that can be added to your HTML document. Out of these &ltmeta charset="utf-8"&gt is also one type. Where should we place &ltmeta&gt tag inside HTML document?      The &ltmeta&gt must be placed inside the &lthead&gt tag. The job of the HTML head tag is to contain metadata about the document. The head of an HTML document is the part that is not displayed in the web browser when the page is loaded. It contains information such as the page &lttitle&gt, links to CSS, links to custom favicons, and other metadata. 2. What does &ltmeta charset="utf-8"&gt do? This element simply specifies the document's...

How to Convert Java 8 IntStream to a List

1. Overview                     In this tutorial, we are going to convert an IntStream to List and to an array. IntStream is a stream of primitive int values and a List is an ordered collection that holds generic values. To convert a stream to the collection, we can call collect() method of Stream class, but this works when the streams hold non-primitive types. Calling collect() method on primitive streams give a compilation error "collect() in IntStream cannot be applied to". 2. Solutions 2.1. Call boxed() method before collecting to a List        IntStream has a method boxed() that returns a Stream consisting of the elements each boxed to an Integer. After getting a boxed stream, we can call the collect() method to convert into a List. Code: package streams; import java.util.List; import; import; public class IntStreamTest { public stati...